Social Engineering Guide
You’ve contacted the supplier saying you’ve received the package but the device Is defective. Obviously It isn’t, but that’s the excuse you’re using to social engineer them.
After going through a few troubleshooting procedures and you’ve told them the phone Is still not functioning, they’ve asked you to send It back for a full refund.
Instead of sending the phone, you’ve placed dry Ice In the package that matches the Item’s weight.
You have also made a slight tear at the bottom of the package, just enough to match the size of the phone, and sealed It with different colored tape.
The package Is then sent and by the time they have received It, the dry Ice has melted and the tear on the package Is consistent with the phone being stolen during transit.
As such, they’ve cross-checked with the carrier and after a few Investigations, are satisfied that the phone was stolen. You have been Issued a full refund thereafter.
You now have a brand new cell phone and a refund, which means you didn’t pay a single dime for the phone.
See how the method was used to social engineer? It tampered with the packaging, hence manipulated the person on the other end Into doing something they were not supposed to do- and that was to provide a full refund for the cell phone. You now have the device plus your money back, ultimately resulting In a free phone!
So as you’re aware by now, social engineering Is all about the method used, no matter what the end result may be.
What you’re about to read will train you In all types of social engineering attacks, not only on a personal level, but also In a corporate/business environment. Before I begin, there are quite a number of terms used In social engineering and computing, either as a whole, or In their abbreviated form that you should be aware of. I will be referencing these terms quite often, so please take the time to read the section below.
Note: The majority of what you’re about to read, Is relative to social engineering companies to obtain refunds and/or replacements for Items that the social engineer has purchased & received. The objective of this, Is to make you fully aware of how social engineers operate, the methods they use during their attack and most Importantly (from a company’s perspective), how to protect your business and It’s representatives from falling victim to SEing exploitation.
My goal Is to get you Into the mind of a social engineer, and provide you with a clear understanding of the methodologies they use to manipulate representatives Into performing acts they’re not supposed to do In the first place. After reading every topic below, you will learn how to Identify a social engineering attack and stop It before It has a chance to succeed. Everything Is based on true events that social engineers perform on a daily basis, but for security reasons, I’ve excluded all Identifiable details.
I’ve also provided a few common terms that are used In the social engineering community. Do take the time to read “every” topic, particularly from a business standpoint. It will significantly help your entire organization to minimize risks with all facets of social engineering attack vectors.
SEing- An abbreviated form of “Social Engineering”.
This Is one of the most commonly used terms In the world of social engineering. You will find that every Internet forum and chat gateway where social engineering Is discussed, will utilize SEing quite often. So be sure to make a mental note and keep It at your disposal. You will need to reference It regularly.
SEd- Short for “Social Engineered”.
As with SEing, this Is also somewhat widely used by the majority of social engineers. Those who’ve been SEing for a number of years, will use this a lot more often than someone who’s been In the scene for only a few months or so. A variant of this Is SE’d, (the Inclusion of an apostrophe) which Is equal to SEd.
SEs- Stands for “Social Engineers”.
To the contrary of both the above, It’s not often that you’ll come across this In online social engineering communities, but nonetheless, It’s certainly worthy of familiarizing yourself with It’s meaning. It’s predominantly written exactly as Is, with only the minority of times used with an apostrophe In the form of SE’s.
SE’er- Defined as “Social Engineerer”
Used to describe the person who social engineers, being the social engineerer. It’s abbreviated and used as such, mainly because “social engineerer” Is not In the English vocabulary and when used as a whole word, It doesn’t really make much sense. SE’er Is the least used term of the lot, but as you’ll see In a few topics below, It puts the sentence In the proper context. Be sure to remember this, you will come across It every so often.
SE- Meaning “Social Engineer”.
I don’t believe there’s much point In going Into detail about this. Without question, this Is “the” most frequently used term In the art of human hacking. Even If you’ve just started reading guides etc, you would’ve definitely experienced this abbreviation of “Social Engineering” In the very early stages of your Involvement, and will definitely continue to do so throughout many articles and Internet boards/forums.
Warranty Exploitation- “Refund Anything Still Under Warranty”
What you’re about to read In this topic, pertains to almost every article listed below. Although the term “Warranty Exploitation” Is not so much of a commonality In social engineering parlance, It’s still used here and there on Internet forums and chat platforms like IRC and Discord. As It’s name suggests, warranty exploitation Is used by social engineers to take advantage of Items that are still covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, with the Intention to receive a refund or replacement. This works greatly In the SE’er’s favor- they’re aware that the company must comply with their warranty terms and formulate their method to exploit It accordingly. Provided the SE’ers method Is effective, there’s very little a company can do to decline their claim. So when you read “Warranty Exploitation”, It’s used by social engineers to obtain refunds and replacements.
DNA- Acronym of “Did Not Arrive”.
DNA Is predominantly carrier-based that’s considered a universal method. When social engineering companies with the Intention to obtain a refund or replacement for an Item already purchased, DNA Is used to describe a particular method to achieve It, namely the “Did Not Arrive” method. Simply put, the social engineer will claim that the package he ordered, was not delivered at his home. He’ll either use a fake signature or If It was left at his doorstep, he’ll say that It was stolen. When the company contacts the carrier and Is unable to verify the delivery due to either of the above excuses, they’ll process a refund or Item replacement.
Wrong Item Received Method- “Incorrect Item Sent”.
A very effective method used by social engineers when SEing a company to obtain a refund, Is the “Wrong Item Received” method. The social engineer will claim that the company has sent an Incorrect Item. The company will ask to return It, so the social engineer will then purchase something that the company “stocks” In their Inventory, Is around the same weight and size and Is significantly cheaper. He will send this to the company. When they receive It, they’ll Issue a refund. It’s as simple as that.
Missing Item Method- “No Item In The Box”.
For this method to work, the Item that the social engineer purchases, must be extremely light and barely registers a weight on consignment. Let’s say the Item Is a pair of AirPods which only weigh 8 grams. After the order Is placed online and the package Is sent to his home, he calls the company and tells them that he received the box with nothing Inside, hence “missing Item”. Because the Airpods are so light, the company cannot cross-check the weight with the carrier. It will NOT show any record! As such, the company will Issue either a refund or replacement. This has a very high success rate when performed exactly as stated on lightweight Items.
Boxing Method- “Sending A Box Without The Item”.
Boxing Is to obtain a refund or replacement on an Item that the social engineer has purchased from an online store. In simple terms, he sends the box back to the seller without the Item (that was purchased). How It generally works Is like this. The social engineer will contact the seller claiming the Item Is defective. The seller will request It’s return, and the social engineer will send the box empty, without the Item. Now packages are weighed during shipment so to match the weight of the Item, the social engineer will place “Dry Ice” In the box. He will also tear the package to a length that’s consistent with the Item, and seal It with different colored tape. This gives the Impression as though the package has been tampered with during transit. That Is, the Item has been stolen. By the time the seller receives the delivery, the dry Ice would’ve sublimated and ONLY the box Is received. The seller checks with the carrier and after Investigating, he’s satisfied the Item was stolen. A refund/replacement Is then Issued to the social engineer.
Double Dip Method- “SE An Item Twice”.
This method requires a particular skill set, that’s mainly used by advanced social engineers. They SE a company to get an Item “twice”, both free of cost. For Instance, the social engineer will say that he didn’t receive the package (which realistically he did!), and the company will send out a replacement. He now has two Items, but he’s only paid for one Item. Next, he will claim that the replacement Item Is defective and then use the “Boxing Method” to get a refund. So ultimately, he has SEd two Items without paying a dime. This Is a difficult method compared to the rest, but advanced social engineers achieve a successful result almost each and every time.
Triple Dip Method- “SE An Item Three Times”.
Some people say that this method Is pushing It to the extreme, and to be honest, I totally agree. As per the “Double Dip Method” above, this goes one step further by adding another Item Into the equation, thereby obtaining “three Items” absolutely free. Try and follow this step by step. The social engineer will order an Item and say It was missing In the box. The company will then send a replacement Item. The social engineer now has “two Items”. He will then claim that the replacement Item didn’t arrive. The company will then send ANOTHER replacement Item. The social engineer now has “three Items”. Finally, the social engineer will say that the replacement Item Is the wrong Item. The company will then Issue a refund. Ultimately, the social engineer has ended up with “three Items” and a “refund”. This Is a VERY difficult process and Is susceptible to failure more than any other method.
Drop House- “A House Or Address Not Belonging To The SE’er”.
Also known as a “Drop Address”, this Is a house that does not belong to the social engineer and Is used as a delivery point to receive packages. There are many reasons to use this, with the most common being to protect the SE’rs Identity, and/or to avoid being billed by the company who’s sending the goods. The social engineer will search for a vacant home, such as one that’s listed for lease/rent. He’ll then use this as the delivery address when ordering Items from an online retailer and either accept the delivery from the carrier, or If It’s left at the premises by the driver, he will pick It up at a later stage. Given the house Is not associated with the social engineer In any way, shape or form, there Is no Identifiable relationship, thus has a pretty high success rate.
POP- “Proof Of Purchase”.
The title of this topic Is very much self-explanatory, but because It’s almost always written and referred to In It’s abbreviated form (“POP”), It’s essential that you’re aware exactly what It stands for- and that’s “Proof Of Purchase”. When a social engineer SEs an Item and requests for a refund or replacement, before the company Issues It, they’ll ask for a POP, just to verify that the Item was purchased from their store. A good social engineer can get around this with ease. A couple of options he’ll use, Is to either Photoshop the receipt, or use a receipt generator specific to the company who’s requesting It. Obviously It cannot be validated by It’s order number, but It all comes down to (as It seems) an error In the company’s administration department.
AR- “Advanced Replacement”.
Not too many companies offer this as part of their claims management process, but for those that do, It means that they will send the Item BEFORE the defective product Is returned to them, hence “Advanced Replacement”. This suits the social engineer perfectly, particularly when It’s dispatched to a “Drop House” (as per a couple of topics above). In this case, he doesn’t have to even think about ways to avoid sending the defective product- the Drop House Is not his, so he’s totally In the clear. So what happens when It’s sent to “his” residential address, and the company Is awaiting the return of the defective Item? Simple, he will box the company (refer to the “Boxing Method” further up) and get to keep both Items. You’ll see the term “AR” somewhat often In the social engineering community.
POD- “Proof Of Destruction”.
Prior to sending out a replacement for a defective Item, there are a number of companies who request what’s called a “POD” (Proof Of Destruction), on a claim submitted by the social engineer. The representative will ask the social engineer to destroy the defective Item/device by (for example) breaking the buttons and cutting the cord on the computer mouse, or drilling holes In the Hard Disk Drive. Once that’s done, the representative requests evidence by way of a photo or video that clearly shows all this and only after he receives It and Is satisfied with It’s contents, will a replacement be dispatched. Social engineers circumvent this by getting Images off Google or eBay, and then Photoshop It (Inclusive of serial numbers etc) according to the representative’s Instructions. The term “POD”, Is used In this fashion In almost every article and post that discusses It.
RMA- “Return Merchandise Authorization”.
Without going Into too much detail, an “RMA” (Return Merchandise Authorization), Is Issued by a company to approve a refund or replacement of an Item. In general terms, an email Is sent to the customer with an RMA number (or tracking number) confirming the replacement/refund. The customer then writes the number on the box that the Item Is being shipped In, and sends It via a nominated carrier. The replacement or refund Is processed by the company thereafter. Some companies have this as a mandatory option, but social engineers work their way around by predominantly using the “Boxing Method”. The RMA process does vary from one organization to another, so this should only be considered as a general guide.
C&D- “Cease And Desist”.
Even though this Is not very common In the social engineering sector, It’s certainly worth mentioning, particularly due to the seriousness of It’s usage. When a social engineer goes too far with obtaining refunds and/or replacements against a company, a “C&D” (Cease and Desist) letter Is sent to the social engineer asking to stop his SEing activity. If the social engineer Ignores It and continues to perform his actions, the company who Issued the letter can take legal action. As you can see, this Is quite serious and In almost every case, It puts an end to the SE there and then. It can be a somewhat lengthy process when Issuing a C&D letter. Although It’s not necessary, the company must first consult an attorney, and the paperwork Is then prepared accordingly- which can take a while to collect and document every detail.
SN- “Serial Number”.
Very much common knowledge for advanced SE’ers, but when It’s used and written as “SN”, It makes very little to no sense to novice social engineers. Going by personal experience, I’d say that It’s equally used as “SN” and “Serial Number”. Some Items such as devices (example, a computer keyboard and mouse) have a serial number that’s unique to each one, and It’s this number that Identifies the device when a warranty claim for a refund Is submitted by customers. Social engineers take advantage of this, by obtaining the serial number (for example, off eBay) and then SEing the company as though the Item Is theirs. They’ll say that It’s defective and ask for a replacement. Given the Item Is still under warranty, the company will dispatch a replacement Item. It’s a clever tactic to SE an Item that the social engineer doesn’t have to begin with.
Tracking Number- “Track Delivery Location”.
When a product has been purchased from an online retailer and a carrier Is used to ship It to the delivery address, a “Tracking Number” Is assigned to the package. It’s usually sent In a confirmation email after the Item has been ordered. As It’s name Implies, It allows the customer to track and see the location of their package at any point In time, by entering It Into the website’s tracking option of It’s respective carrier. Social engineers find this extremely beneficial when using a “Drop House/Address” during their SE. It allows them to see precisely where their package Is located and once It’s within close proximity of the drop house, the social engineer will make his way there and accept the delivery. UPS & FedEx are just a couple of many carriers that use tracking numbers for their consignments.
Corrupted File- “Send A Damaged Image Or Video.
During the process of assessing a claim for a refund or replacement of an Item, In order to complete the request, some companies ask the customer to provide a picture or video that must Include (obviously) the Item and other Identifiable details, like It’s serial number and perhaps a handwritten note. Only when the Image or video has been sent and fulfills the request, will a refund/replacement be Issued. Aside from Photoshopping an Image, social engineers use online services to “corrupt the file” and sent It to the company thereafter. Naturally, the company will ask for It again, and the social engineer will keep sending the corrupted file, but In a different file format each time- just to give the Impression that he’s making an effort to resolve the matter. He will also assure the representative that the file Is working fine on his end. The majority of times, the company will give In and go ahead with the refund/replacement. A common website to corrupt any file Is this.
Reship- “Ship To A Company & Then To The Address”.
We’re all different with the type of personal Information we hand over when purchasing products on the Internet. Some people don’t mind giving out their residential address, but others want It kept to themselves and In this case, they’ll use what’s called a “Reship” (or “Reshipping”) company rather than their own address. Once the package has been sent by the online store, It’s delivered to the reship company’s warehouse and they’ll forward It to the customer’s house. This Is a good service to keep your real address hidden from the online store. Social engineers however, often use It together with a “Drop Address” to double their anonymity. The way It works with SE’ers Is like this: “SE > Reship Company > Drop Address”. Simply stated, the online retailer sends the package to the reship company, and they deliver It to the drop address. The social engineer then picks It up from the drop address.
Receipt Generator- “Fictitious Receipt”.
Many social engineers go to great lengths to succeed with whom they’re SEing and If It means falsifying paperwork to achieve their objective, they will do just that to the company who’s requesting It. Such paperwork, Is to create a fake receipt using a “Receipt Generator”. This comes In the form of either a standalone tool (used on your computer), or through an online website such as this. When an online store Is managing a refund claim, sometimes they’ll ask for a receipt/Invoice from the customer to verify that the Item was In fact purchased from them. When the social engineer doesn’t have It (due to SEing without purchasing an Item), he will use a receipt generator to produce a fake copy. It appears very realistic, with only the order number not being on company record. The SE’er will Insist that he’s purchased It, and the company will assume It’s an administration error on their end and process the refund.
Image Metadata- “Remove Metadata When Editing Images”.
It’s Inevitable that online retailers will dispatch defective Items unintentionally and In such Instances, the customer will ask for either a refund or replacement. In order to complete the customer’s request, some companies require the original “POP” (Proof Of Purchase) and once It’s received, the refund/replacement Is finalized. A social engineer who doesn’t have the POP, will create one using Photoshop and send It In the form of an Image file, but a proficient SE’er knows precisely what to do “prior” to sending the file. When an Image Is edited, particularly In Adobe Photoshop, If will show the changes by viewing the metadata (Information about the Image). The company can easily examine this and determine that the POP Is In fact fake. To prevent this, the social engineer will strip the metadata by using an online tool, or save the Image In a systematic manner In Photoshop Itself by choosing “File > Save for web”, and then selecting “JPEG”. As an added precautionary measure, he’ll change the “Copyright and Contact Info” to “None”, thus leaving no Indication that the Image has been altered.
Investigation- “An Official Inquiry By The Company”.
Every online supplier, differs to some degree In the way they address and process refund and replacement claims, but a very common approach with the majority of retailers, Is to open what’s called an “Investigation”. Here’s what I mean. When a customer calls the company and tells them that he did not receive the Item/package that he ordered, the company will open an Investigation and cross-check with their carrier to see If they did In fact deliver It. The carrier’s records will determine the outcome. An Investigation Is part of their protocol to simply move forward with the claim. Social engineers are well aware of this and use the “DNA” (Did Not Arrive) method, by using a fake signature on receipt and then say that the package wasn’t delivered. The company’s Investigation can determine that the package was “delivered”, however (because of the fake signature) they cannot say for sure that It was “received” by the social engineer. The Investigation Is then deemed Inconclusive, and the social engineer Is Issued a refund.
Police Report- “Filing A Report With The Police”.
Further to the topic right above this pertaining to a company opening an Investigation, they could also ask the customer to obtain a “Police Report” to help with their Inquiry. Amongst other reasons, the police report Is often requested when the customer says that the carrier did not deliver the package to his home. It’s basically nothing more than a bit of paperwork, to say that everything the customer has said Is true and correct to the best of his knowledge. When the report has been filed and the Investigation Is complete, the customer’s claim Is then processed. Elite social engineers are well-Informed about all this, and also know that the report Is not legally binding, therefore they have no hesitation In obtaining one from their local police station. Because of this, the social engineer continues to use every SEing method mentioned above.
Item Contains Blood Method- “Avoid Sending Item Back”.
Health and safety Is taken very seriously by businesses of all shapes and sizes. It doesn’t matter If It’s a multi-billion dollar organization, or a small family owned company of only a handful of employees, they must comply with the applicable law. Social engineers know all about this, and use a very clever method to avoid sending back an Item to a company that they’re SEing for a refund or replacement. To do this, they say that they’ve cut themselves when opening the box to take out the Item and as a consequence, the Item was covered In blood. Regardless how well the Item Is cleaned and disinfected after the event, the majority of companies are not permitted to accept It as a return. For this reason, there Is no choice but to offer a refund or replacement to the social engineer.
Cross Shipping- “Send Defective Item & Receive New Item”.
There are many options used by companies when dispatching customer orders and receiving warranty claims, and each Is based on the customer’s circumstances at the time. One of these options Is called “Cross-Shipping”. There are a few steps Involved but for the simplicity of this article, It’s basically when a company ships (delivers) a package containing the replacement Item at the same time the customer sends their package containing the defective Item. Essentially, the company gets the defective Item, and the customer gets the replacement Item. That’s how It works In a legit environment, but not In the world of social engineering. Instead of sending the Item back, the social engineer will send an “empty box” and because the company dispatches the replacement at the SAME time, the SE’er knows he’ll get It without fail. The “Box Method” Is always used for Cross-Shipping.
VCC- “Virtual Credit Card”.
Before I begin explaining how social engineers use this to their advantage, you need to know what a “VCC” (Virtual Credit Card) Is. Unlike your physical (plastic) credit card, a virtual credit card Is simply a number that’s associated with your real card. Think of It as a disposable card- If anything happens to It, just get a new one. Generally, It can only be used once and cannot be traced to the real card. A VCC can be used for online purchases just like a normal credit card, and no one can tell the difference. Now this Is how social engineers use It. When the company Issues an “AR” (Advanced Replacement), they will put a hold on the card. So If the Item Is not sent back, the company will charge the card for the cost of the Item. Because the VCC Is a disposal card, the social engineer will “cancel” It, thereby the company cannot draw any funds from It and the SE’er doesn’t pay a single dime. The process Is a lot more complex than this, but I’m just giving you a simplified example.
Disposed The Faulty Item- “Avoid Sending The Item Back”.
In the event you purchase an Item from the Internet, be It a pair of headphones, a computer keyboard or a rechargeable toothbrush, It doesn’t always come shipped In a faultless condition. Some Items are completely nonfunctional, and just about every retailer will ask to return the faulty Item In exchange for a refund or replacement. Although this particular method Is not too common, social engineers use the “Disposed The Faulty Item” method. When the company requests It’s return, the SE’er will say something along the lines of “The toothbrush blew up when my son was using It, and for safety reasons, I Immediately threw It out”. Of course, he did nothing of the sort. As mentioned above, companies take “safety” seriously and In this case, they’ll send a refund with no questions asked. When used In this context, this method works on almost every occasion.
Received The Item As A Gift- “Avoid Sending POP”.
As mentioned In the “POP” (Proof Of Purchase) topic a few articles above this, before a company can Issue a refund or replacement for (example) a faulty Item, the customer must provide the POP. This Is simply to verify that the product was purchased from the company In question. When a social engineer wants to refund an Item that he doesn’t have to begin with, he’ll avoid sending the POP by saying that he “received the Item as a gift”, and that the gifter didn’t see the need to keep It, so he also doesn’t have the POP. The company will then ask to return the Item and all the social engineer has to do, Is use the “Box Method”- as though the Item was stolen during transit. He’ll then receive a refund for a product he didn’t acquire. This Is a simple, yet very effective method when used as stated.
Wrong Item In The Box Method- “Send A Different Item”.
Seldom do manufacturers pack an Incorrect Item In the box during manufacturing & shipment, but given we don’t live In a perfect world and human error Is unavoidable, It does happen on the rare occasion. That Is, the customer will order something online, and receive the correct “box” but containing a different “Item”. This favors social engineers considerably. If the manufacturer can make a mistake and pack the wrong Item, so too can the social engineer, by saying that he’s received a completely different Item to what’s described on the box. Advanced SE’ers make It appear very realistic. For example, let’s assume a HDD (Hard Disk Drive) was ordered from an online retailer. Upon receiving the delivery, the social engineer will say that a “computer mouse” was In the box. Can you see the association? Both the hard disk & computer mouse are “IT/tech related”, so It’s more likely than not for the manufacturer to pick & pack a wrong Item from the technology section of their warehouse.
Similar Item In The Box Method- “Send Almost An Identical Item”.
Almost the same as the topic right above this regarding the “Wrong Item In The Box Method”, manufacturers/suppliers can make errors when picking and packing products prior to dispatch- particularly when two or more Items are very similar In appearance. Sure, they’re scanned and Identified by their respective serial numbers, but all It takes Is a momentary lapse of concentration, and the scanned Item Is not the one that was packed and shipped. To a social engineer, this Is known as the “Similar Item In The Box Method”, whereby they receive a delivery of the correct Item from an online retailer, but swap It for an “old similar Item” they have lying around the house. They’ll contact the company, claim that the Item Is defective and receive a refund or replacement. This Is actually the social engineer’s preferred method. Why? Well, a company may open the returned box and rather than scanning It’s serial number, they’ll have a quick look and see that It’s appearance matches the description on the box and accept It thereafter.
Broken Glass Method- “Item Smashed When Received”.
Anything can happen to a package during shipment when ordering from an online store- It can get lost/misplaced, It’s contents stolen In transit or damaged to some degree. The latter (damaged) Is what social engineers take advantage of when ordering “particular” Items. Notice the operative word being “particular?”. That’s because the SE’er Is selective with the nature of the Item, namely those that are shipped In bottles such as perfumes and cologne. They’re susceptible to breakage and because of this, there’s very little a company can do to deny that It did not happen from the time It left their warehouse, to when It was received by the customer. Social engineers know all about this, and use the “Broken Glass Method” to request a refund on a bottle of (example) cologne that arrived In perfect condition to begin with. The company usually asks for proof such as a photo of the shattered glass, and the SE’er will either Photoshop the Image, or use glass that’s similar In appearance. Either way, the outcome has a very high success rate.
Food SEing Method- “Claiming To Feel Sick After Consumption”.
Food (consumable) products are one of the easiest Items to SE. You do not have to be a master social engineer to get either a free replacement meal, or your money back after eating something and complaining straight after. How many times have you ordered takeout and It wasn’t to your expectations- not cooked properly or stale with a very unpleasant taste? If you did In fact happen to complain, I bet you would’ve received another meal free of charge. When social engineers use the “Food Is Stale Method”, they say that It had a bad smell and after eating It, they Immediately felt extremely sick. The social engineer will always say “Immediately”- as this solidifies that It was that meal (and not any other), that caused the reaction. Of course, nothing of the sort has happened, but I’m just demonstrating how easy It Is to get a free meal with just about any restaurant or food chain.